Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Olympic Hills Seattle Washington Real Estate Summary

Olympic Hills Seattle Real Estate

The average home in Olympic Hills Seattle is 1932 square feet in size with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. There are 412 one-story homes in Olympic Hills Seattle, 42 homes with one and a half stories, and 43 two-story homes.

...There are 175 homes with garages and each of these garages are an average of 339 square feet in size.

The average length of ownership for a home in
Olympic Hills Seattle is 8.6 years.... There are 93 homes that have been owned between five and ten years, and 150 homes that have been owned for ten years or more.

...There are 412 owner-occupied homes in
Olympic Hills Seattle and 86 homes that are non-owner occupied.

So far in 2007, there have been 7 homes sold in
Olympic Hills Seattle.

...The average size of an
Olympic Hills Seattle is 1351 square feet and has two bedrooms and two bathrooms.

...There are 52 condos that have been owned between five and ten years and 51 condos that have been owned for ten years or more.

There are 23
Olympic Hills Seattle condos that are owner-occupied and 213 non-owner occupied.

...In 2006, there were 19 condos sold in Olympic Hills Seattle.

...During 2005, there were 23 condos sold in Olympic Hills Seattle.

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