Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Loyal Heights Seattle Washington Real Estate Summary

Loyal Heights Seattle Real Estate

There are 2879 single-family homes in the Loyal Heights neighborhood of Seattle.... The average size of a Loyal Heights Seattle home is 2009 square feet with three bedrooms and one bathroom. There are 1598 single-story homes, 961 homes that are one and a half stories, 296 two-story homes and 16 homes that are two and a half stories or taller.

...The average size of a basement in
Loyal Heights Seattle is 906 square feet in size.... The average size of a garage in Loyal Heights is 229 square feet.

...Of the 2879 homes in
Loyal Heights Seattle, there are 988 homes that have been owned for five years or less. There are 660 homes that have been owned between five and ten years and 855 homes that have been owned for over ten years.

...There are 2443 homes in
Loyal Heights Seattle that are owner-occupied and 436 homes that are non-owner occupied.

...During 2005 there were 144 homes sold in
Loyal Heights Seattle.

...During the past 12 months, there were 10 homes sold in Loyal Heights Seattle.

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