Saturday, July 21, 2007

First Hill Seattle Washington Real Estate Summary

First Hill Seattle Real Estate

The average size of a First Hill Seattle condo is 889 square feet with two bedrooms and one bathroom. There are two condos that are located in single story buildings with the remaining condos located in two-story buildings or taller.

The average length of ownership of a condo in First Hill Seattle is 5.9 years. There are 660 First Hill Seattle condos that have been owned for five years or less, 241 condos that have been owned between five and ten years, and 216 condos that have been owned for ten years or longer.

...There are 779 owner occupied condos in First Hill Seattle and 384 non-owner occupied condos in First Hill Seattle.

So far in 2007 there have been 35 condos sold in First Hill Seattle. The average selling price of a First Hill Seattle condo is $322,754.

...The average selling price of a First Hill Seattle condo was $306,843.

...During the past 12 months, there have been 140 condos sold in First Hill.

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