Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Laurelhurst Seattle Washington Real Estate Summary

Laurelhurst Seattle Real Estate

The average size of a home in Laurelhurst Seattle is 3156 square feet with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. There are 461 single-story homes in Laurelhurst Seattle, 388 homes with one and a half stories, 705 two story homes, and 11 homes that are two and a half stories or taller.

...There are 351 homes that have been owned between five and ten years and 501 homes that have been owned for ten years or longer.

...There are 1490 owner occupied homes in
Laurelhurst Seattle and 144 non-owner occupied homes.

...During the past 12 months, there were 77 homes sold for an average of $927,756 in
Laurelhurst Seattle. This average selling price was an average of 142% of the assessed value.

...The average size of a condo in
Laurelhurst Seattle is 973 square feet with two bedrooms and one bathroom. There are 242 condos that are in buildings two stories and 81 condos that are in buildings two and a half buildings or taller.

...There are 160 condos in
Laurelhurst Seattle that have been owned for five years or less. There are 58 condos in Laurelhurst Seattle that have been owned between five and ten years and 80 conods that have been owned for ten years or more.

...There are 87
Laurelhurst Seattle condos that are owner occupied and 236 condos that are non-owner occupied.

...This selling price was 142% greater than the assessed value.

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